Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Brady's Here!!!

Whew! It took a while to get updated, but Brady is here! And believe it or not, he is almost 1 month old :( It really does fly by like everyone says.

Brady made his arrival on March 14th, via c-section. My water broke one week earlier than my scheduled c-section. My water breaking was an interesting experience, but I am kind of glad I got to experience it!

We arrived at the hospital around 1 something, was moved to the operating room around 3:30 or so, they began my c-section at 4 PM and Brady was out at 4:18 PM. What a process! It was very exciting and happened SO fast. We spent 4 days in the hospital, which was fine by me with pain pills and other perks, but Ian didn't enjoy the sleeping arrangements! We loved all of our visitors and loved going home!

We are slowly getting Brady figured out. Some days he sleeps ok and other days he doesn't. I can't wait for his sleeping pattern to stretch out a little more! He smiles and laughs in his sleep, has cute blue eyes, and is very sweet. We are very blessed....and tired :)

He has already been out and about because I don't think I can spend all day in the house without going crazy! My hat is off to stay at home parents. It is extremely tough to be alone all day with no interaction....Louie only says so much!

We are excited for Brady's baptism in May. We will try to keep you posted on all of our fun events as they happen!!!